Thursday, September 9, 2010

I Love!

"It's the beautiful minds of this world that win overbeautiful faces. They win hearts by winning minds..."
Anna Karina, is a Danish film actress, director, and screenwriter and muse of Jean-Luc Godard.

"Real freedom isn't subject to how others estimate our value; it is in realizing that none are free who find their sense of worth wondering how others measure their lives."

Guy Finley, best-selling author and speaker.

"You cannot let go of anything if you cannot notice that you are holding it. Admit your 'weaknesses' and watch them morph into your greatest strengths."
Neale Donald Walsch, best-selling author of "Conversations with God".

"There can only be one solution to any problem: a change in attitude and in consciousness.Through the power of consciously focusing on the things that we create in our imagination, we give them the 'nudge' that brings them through the barrier from the unreal to the real.

And herein we find the secret of propelling our heart's desires from the state of imagination to the reality of our everyday lives: It's our ability to feel as if our dreams have already come to life, our wishes are fulfilled, and our prayers already answered."
- Gregg Braden, best-selling author & speaker.


Just keep your Heart open. You may think that because of what has happened in the past that it will continue to happen now and in the future. But that is a falsehood.

Meet today, meet this moment with a new perspective. Stay with the uncomfortable feelings, respond with love instead of reacting from fear. You can choose to paint a new future with an adjustment in your attitude right now.
If you love someone, love them without stopping your life or expecting anything from them. If you miss someone, allow yourself to EXPERIENCE that emotion. Instead of trying to change anything just be open. Right here, right now.
If you shut down you let fear win. Let love in today. Be brand new right now.


I love.

I allow life to be exactly as it is today.
I allow myself to be brand new right now.
I forgive myself and let it go.

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